Sermon Audio 讲道录音 2019
Title 题目 | Speaker 讲员 | Date 日期 |
How Should Christians Approach New Year? | Pastor David Weng | 06/01/2019 |
The Comforting Shepherd |
Rev Edward Paauwe | 13/01/2019 |
Make Disciples of All Nations | Pastor David Weng | 20/01/2019 |
Introduction to the Book of Acts | Pastor David Weng | 27/01/2019 |
Lunar New Year and Christians | Pastor David Weng | 03/02/2019 |
The Supplying Shepherd | Rev Edward Paauwe | 10/02/2019 |
God’s Plan and Promise for His Church | Pastor David Weng | 17/02/2019 |
The Making of a Mighty Movement | Pastor David Weng | 24/02/2019 |
Title | Speaker | Date |
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit | Pastor David Weng | 03/03/2019 |
The Eternal Shepherd |
Pastor David Weng | 10/03/2019 |
Suffering for Christ | Pastor David Weng | 17/03/2019 |
Serving God with Purity and Fear | Pastor David Weng | 24/03/2019 |
Three Myths About the Christian Gospel | Pastor David Weng | 31/03/2019 |
Mercy Ministry and Church Growth | Pastor David Weng | 07/04/2019 |
The Coming of the King | Pastor David Weng | 14/04/2019 |
The Incredible Hope (no audio) | Pastor David Weng | 21/04/2019 |
Always Ready to Serve | Pastor David Weng | 28/04/2019 |
Title | Speaker | Date |
Chosen to Bear the Name of Christ | Pastor David Weng | 05/05/2019 |
Cornelius: The God-Fearing Gentile |
Pastor David Weng | 12/05/2019 |
The Planting of a New Church | Pastor David Weng | 19/05/2019 |
Title | Speaker | Date |
Title | Speaker | Date |
Title | Speaker | Date |
Providence Sermon Audio is recorded weekly by Providence Bible-Presbyterian Church. Scripture, unless otherwise noted, is taken from the King James Version.
Meetings of the Week 每周的聚会 | Day 星期 | Time 时间 |
Worship Service 主日崇拜 | Sun 星期天 | 3:00pm |
Children’s Sun School 儿童主日学 | Sun 星期天 | 3:30pm |
Refreshment/Fellowship 茶点/团契 | Sun 星期天 | 4:20pm |
WCF Catechism Class 要里问答 | Sun 星期天 | 4:45pm |
Youth Bible Study 青年查经/团契 | Sun 星期天 | 4:45pm |
Ladies’ Fellowship 姐妹团契 | Wed 星期二 | 10:00am |
Prayer Meeting 祷告会 | Thurs 星期三 | 7:00pm |
Chinese Bible Study 华语查经班 | Fri 星期五 | 7:00pm |
Worship at: 247 Main North Road, Sefton Park, SA 5083
Mailing Address: 169 Brougham Drive, Valley View, SA 5093
Tel: 08 8263 9689